Large enough to serve, small enough to care.
About Us
Rocky Mountain Inventory was founded in 1997 by Linda Hungerford. At the time, she already had 15 years in the business. Over the years, as a result of RMI's high level of service, the company was able to pick up a wide variety of customers across 14 states with 85 employees. At the companies height, RMI was providing inventory services to 1000 clients. Over time, RMI's demographics have changed through various changes in the marketplace. Currently, we are still fully capable of serving clients in the Rocky Mountain Region including Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, Wyoming, Montana, and parts of North and South Dakota and New Mexico. If you have business outside of these areas, we would still be interested in discussing with you as you may be in one of our new regions. We are always looking for growth opportunities. The company is still privately owned and we are still focused around good customer service, quality accurate inventory audits, and positive employee relations.