Providing professional inventory auditing services, since 1997
At Rocky Mountain Inventory, we provide a wide array of inventory auditing services for our clients in the Rocky Mountain Region. We are large enough to serve, small enough to care.
Although we believe that sometimes going back to the basics is what our customers want, we can get very technical as well. We use state-of-the art inventory hardware and software. We can create custom programs, reports, and interfaces to solve the most complex technical challenges. We have the ability to meet and exceed virtually any customer programming request. We have very detailed Retail Financial reporting and we can design an Item level import for any capable POS System.
We also do POS service and Merchant Services at our Sister company, Mile High POS! Click Below
Our Focus
We know the path to success is knowing that our customers and employees are the foundation of our company!
"There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else." - Sam Walton
Our Services
Inventory Auditing
At Rocky Mountain Inventory, we provide a wide array of inventory auditing services for our clients in the Rocky Mountain Region. Whether you have a convenience store or 500 stores, a warehouse, a grocery store, pharmacy, a liquor store, or any other situation in which you need an inventory count, our team of professionals can give you the data you need to make informed business decisions. We do all types of inventories and we can help you discover a method that works for you. We have many custom programs and reports and can develop almost any solution for any situation.
Retail Financial Audits
Most of our clients are only looking for a financial reporting of their inventory at Retail value. This is where our team comes in and counts your inventory at price and quantity by the pre-selected departments of your choice. At the conclusion of the audit you will be provided with a recap of the departments and totals, and then each area and section for your location.
Item-Level Scan Audits
Item-Level Scan Audits are similar to a financial. We can still provide you with the reporting you require, but we will also capture each unique SKU/UPC for import back into your POS System to compare variances. Our software is very versatile and we can program import/export compatibility for virtually any POS System on the market.

Buy Sale Audits
At RMI, we have performed thousands of buy/sale audits for clients of all types. If you are buying or selling a business, reach out to learn how we can help give you piece of mind with the valuation of the busines.